Credit: WWE/USA Network

RAW Emotions – 11.2.2020


What happened last week on Raw: McIntyre and Orton continued to fight forever. Jeff Hardy and Elias continued to fight forever. Hurt Business and Retribution continued to fight forever. Lana and the Announce Table continued to fight forever. Enjoying watching Raw and myself continued to fight forever.

RAW Emotions for November 2nd.

Idle hands are the Viper’s Workshop

I’ll be totally honest, Drew McIntyre as WWE Champion had run it’s course. Orton has been doing the best work of his career which is saying a lot really. Putting the belt on Orton even if it’s in a transitional moment wasn’t a bad idea. Having him lose twice to then beat Drew may have been however. Regardless of that we are here now and have a title picture that actually has multiple branching storylines coming off of it, so who am I to complain?

I’ll just go right out and say it. I’m rooting for WWE Champion The Miz right now, mostly because after what they’ve turned him and John Morrison into lately that it sounds hilarious, but secondly because it’s the better overall storyline for multiple people.

The Miz vs. Drew McIntyre

However you decide to go about the title change, more on that later. I think you can easily transition into a Drew/Miz storyline right after it. Drew as someone chasing the title just feels better, and Miz as the guy holding the belt close watching his back can be A+ stuff to finish out the year. Possibly add some actual muscle to the Miz-Mo team because we’ll find out later tonight how well they do together versus Drew, spoiler alert, it’s not great.

Randy Orton vs. The Fiend

I’m not saying The Fiend needs to “cost” Randy Orton the WWE Title in so much as interfering in a matchup. However maybe a post match attack followed by a cash in could be the easiest route. Possibly even with The Fiend taking out Drew as well in an effort to allow Miz the chance, simply because Fiend wants Orton all to himself and needs Drew’s attention elsewhere. Also that can build to a Drew/Bray program down the line which I wouldn’t complain about.

You guys know I was joking Right?

Is this the fireworks factory level type stuff everyone always complains we never get to? A literal “On A Pole” match in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty? I can’t tell if Vince Russo is ecstatic or rolling over in his pull out sofa-bed.

Does this somehow end the feud? Does that even make sense? Has the feud made sense? No of course not. Apparently even the RAW announcers don’t watch Smackdown which makes sense as it’s the far lesser show. BRAND SUPR- Oops sorry I don’t know what came over me there..

Destined to do this Forever

The tag match itself is what you’d expect it to be, but I’m going to focus more on the Lana aspect here. Simply because WWE is seemingly going to go out of there way for me to focus on Lana for reasons I do not understand.

People scream “She’s being punished because of Miro!” and I reply to that by saying she’s had a Women’s Title match, won a battle royal, and get’s to be on TV every week. I’m sure there’s millions of wrestler type people out there who’d kill to be “punished” that much.

The other idea is that they are trying to build sympathy for her, I would assume in some sort of push? Which, uh no please don’t. You know who you could build sympathy for, or at least I don’t know, have on your shows? ASUKA YOUR ACTUAL WOMEN’S CHAMPION MAYBE. But what do I know.

Even R-Truth can’t make me care about Lashley

R-Truth continues his run as the greatest personality in the history of Professional Wrestling and I will FIGHT ANYONE who says otherwise. Regardless of that and how much I love the Truth/Gulak/Tozowa shenanigans can we at least flesh out this 24/7 division a bit beyond three people?

I know I say that while also only remembering Lashley has the US Title because they won’t stop promoting BRAND SUPREMACY at Survivor Series with him facing Sami Zayn and his sisters. Still, you have so many talented people here that could allow things to breathe a bit more.

O’ Captain, My Captain

I am actually enjoying Strowman to a point as “guy who just wants to fight anyone”. It makes sense as someone knew to the show, he would try to get on the Raw Team as it’s the easiest way to fight multiple people at one time.

I continue to have no idea what Raw is doing with Keith Lee which is probably the same thought process they have every week. Also the fact that Sheamus is here and not in jail for attempted vehicular manslaughter charges continues to top the list for things I don’t understand. While getting that entire storyline from Smackdown kind of sucks, at least we got rid of Rey and Seth JUST in time. Suck it PasserineBoy.


Just no.

Mecc-Alexa Heal, Mecca Wyatt Hurt

The FireFly FunHouse segments continue to carry Raw as we all knew they would. The dynamic between Bray and Bliss is still a little rough in transition, but that could be on purpose awkwardness. Also, Abby The Witch not responding to Bliss with a “You don’t even go here” was a missed opportunity.

Beyond the blood spitting, which I guess is a thing now. The visuals of Bray not even being able to push past what Orton had done to him via laughter and happiness was great.

The main issue with The Fiend’s feuds right now is how amazing the build up is going into a match we know isn’t going to be “great”.

Wait, has Randy Orton been The Fiend this whole time?

The Red Tag Belts are Cursed

There is no other explanation beyond it. You took the Street Profits, and and it turned them into, well whatever they are now. Then after just swapping belts you have almost immediately turned The New Day into, uh, The Street Profits. I really don’t get it.

On a sliding scale I think I’d rather have the entire lower mid-card chasing me 24/7 than be one half of the Raw Tag Champs. At least then I’d be able to be entertaining.

The face you make when you figure out where the Christmas Presents are hidden

One of these two seems to have lost their SAnitY

Beyond SPOOKY CONTACTS, I just really wanted to make that joke. Moving on.

The Biggest Loser

If you have a match between Tucker, Ricochet, and any member of Retribution. Would it just go on forever?

Did Ali and Co. realized Bray and The Fiend have already moved on from them and they are trying to make him jealous by attacking even lower level people? Why is Tucker on Raw, didn’t they try to quietly move him back to Smackdown?

Get Whatever

These are REALLY GOOD promos too. They just don’t matter at all and everyone knows they don’t. It’s beyond the dumb names and masks now. You’ve reached Cult Leader Bray levels of losing in a record time. And at least the Wyatt Family stuck to a one mask theme.

Also, ahem

Oh, I come from a ring, from a faraway place
Where the Dusty Classic, calls home
Where it’s fun and intense
And the crowd will impress
It’s barbaric, but, hey, it’s NXT

When the Nak’s from the East
And the Big E’s from the West
And the sand in Kross’ glass is right
Come on down
Stop on by
Wear a top hat and fly
To another TakeOver night

TakeOver nights
Usually on Saturdays
More often than not
Are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways

TakeOver nights
‘Neath Triple H views
A Bo off his guard
Could fall and fall hard
Out there with CFO tunes

And there upon an RKO, Is the answer to a Never Ending Story

So here we are, at the end of Raw. We’ve just witnessed Drew McIntyre defeat a former WWE Champion and a former uh, [checks notes] ECW Champion? Intercontinental Champion? Whatever. Basically any chance of The Miz being taken at all seriously is gone.

I have no idea what John Morrison did to deserve the treatment he’s received this past year, but if DrewMac is any indication maybe JoMo is finally going to win a Rumble instead of just having a cool spot during it?

I think the point has come where Drew is a little too skrong. He doesn’t take losses at all barely ever anymore and now he’s just beating two dudes by himself because REASONS! You could have easily had Miz steal a pin here because of Orton and not look like a total goober but I digress.

We end the show with some Bray laughing because Aw Nuts We’re Out Of Time™ and that’s the show I guess.

A Short List of Who Wasn’t On Raw

Akira Tozowa
Gran Metalik
Humberto Carillo
Lince Dorado
Matt Riddle

I’m not saying anything. I’m just saying we had multiple Lana related segments on this show but whatever. That does it for this edition of RAW Emotions.

So if you enjoyed Raw, Enjoyed this Column, or just enjoy life in general, give this a share. Leave a comment below with your thoughts of the show and your favorite Aladdin movie, the correct answer is King of Thieves. Stop by the SRP Discord and say hi. Until next time, I’m HGR and Tango Mike.